
Compare Three Loans


This mortgage calculator will compare up to three loans side-by-side. Use different down payments, interest rates, etc., to see how your payments will change and how much each loan will cost.

Purchase Info:

Your expected mortgage
amount ?
Loan #1 Loan #2 Loan #3
Down payment ?
Interest rate ?
Term (usually 30 or 15 years) ?
How many points (Enter 0 if no points) ?
Fees or closing costs
(including points) ?

Note: If you put a down payment of less than 20%, many lenders will require that you pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) which will increase your monthly payment. Please seek a qualified loan consultant.

Loan amount
(including points closing cost)
Principal interest payment
Total payment
(principal, interest, taxes insurance)
Over the life of the loan you will have paid: